
donderdag 26 april 2012

Nieuwsbrief April 2012 - Deel 3 - (Euregion Conference)

Het weekend van 19 en 20 mei organiseert onze Nederlandse zusterorganisatie JS Zuid-Limburg voor de allereerste keer een grensoverschrijdende conferentie voor jonge sociaaldemocraten en socialisten uit Nederland, Belgiƫ en Duitsland. Tijdens de debatten, lezingen, trainingen etc. zullen de Eurgio en haar bijzondere kenmerken een bijlangrijke rol spelen. Daarnaast zal er uiteraard ook uitgebreid de gelegenheid zijn voor het smeden van banden tussen de verschillende jongsocialistische verenigingen die dit "Europese kruispunt" rijk is.

We geven hieronder alvast een korte omschrijving en het programma van de conferentie mee (in het Engels); voor meer info over de locatie, overnachtingen, vervoer etc. alsook voor inschrijvingen kun je terecht op of bij jouw lokale Animo-verantwoordelijke. Wees er wel snel bij. Uiterste inschrijfdatum is 30 april!

(Voertaal op dit congres is Engels.)
(Het Animo Limburg facebookevent vind je hier en de pagina op Animoweb staat hier...)

Euregion Conference 2012

In the weekend of 19-20 May 2012 we as Jonge Socialisten Limburg South will organize the first Euregion conference. During this conference various activities will take place, all of which will be from a European, and especially a Euregion perspective. The activities will vary from an interactive lecture to a debate. Also trainings will be provided to improve your political skills. Of course, there will also be time for some drinks and fun during a BBQ and party.

The main reason to organize the Euregion conference is to strengthen the relationships between the political youth organizations. We believe that cooperation is necessary because there are a lot of threats and opportunities for the Euregion Meuse-Rhine. The geographic position, for instance, gives the region lots of opportunities to make the region more prosper and therefore this is something we should take advantage of.
The first Euregion conference should be a start to develop a strong bond between the Dutch, Belgium and German Young Socialists. But not only a strong bond is important. We also believe that if we cooperate, we can handle the challenges we will meet in our lifetime. Doing so, we can make this region a state of the art place where people love to work, go to school, meet their friends and have a good life.

Therefore, we would be pleased to welcome you to this first exciting event. As of Monday 27 February 2012 you can sign up and can find more information on our website: Please sign up as soon as possible.

09:30-10:30    Walk-in
10:30-11:00    Opening of conference: Opening speech JS Limburg South and introductions JUSOS, ANIMO and MJ
11:00-12:00    Lecture:   An critical point of view about the Euregio and Europe
12:00-13:30    Outside activity and lunch
13:30-15:30    Political workshops: European labor market and Education/ European transport (public transport)
15:30-16:00    Break
16:00-18:00    Skills training: Debating and Argumentation / Presentation skills
18:00-19:00    Check-in sleep accommodation
19:00-21:00    BBQ
21:00-03:00    Party

09:30-10:30    Breakfast
10:30-11:00    Explanation of program this day
11:00-14:00    European Council
14:00-15:00    Lunch and break
15:00-16:30    Lecture: Future of the Euregio Meuse-Rhine
16:45-18:00    End and drinks"

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